Company Overview

Our History

At the Marginal Field Bid exercise of 2002/2003, Platform Petroleum Limited was awarded the Asuokpu/Umutu Field. This Field was one of twelve such fields released by the Shell Joint Venture into a pool of 24 fields that were on offer. Following the execution of a Farmout Agreement between Platform and SPDC JV, payment of a signature bonus, and satisfaction of all other conditions precedent, the field was released to Platform on November 23, 2004. Platform immediately thereafter entered a Joint Venture Agreement with another Nigeria company, Newcross Petroleum Limited in 60/40 equity ratio with Platform retaining 60% and the operatorship of the asset. Between September and December 2005, Platform re-entered, tested, and completed two of the existing five Wells, following which a 10,000 barrels per day production facility, 2×10,000 barrels storage tanks and a crude delivery pipeline (6”x32 km and 8”x16 km) were installed. First Oil was achieved on December 01, 2007.

Our Niche

Unlocking value through seamless integration across the oil and gas value chain. Our focus spans through onshore, swamp and shallow offshore terrains.

Our Mission

To build and sustain the foremost Indigenous Petroleum Development Company in Nigeria through time-tested principles, best practices, and efficient resource management.

Core Values

At the heart of our work are the following values:

Zero Tolerance to Corruption

We maintain an environment free from any form of corrupt practices, emphasizing ethical behavior, legal adherence, and moral standards in all our operations.


We uphold honesty, trustworthiness, and ethical conduct in all interactions, decisions, and actions within the organization.


We demonstrate competence, respect, accountability, and a commitment to high standards in our work and interactions with others.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to ongoing excellence and innovation, continuously learning, adapting, and evolving to enhance processes, products, and services.

Value Creation

We proactively identify and deliver meaningful and sustainable benefits to stakeholders, seeking opportunities to innovate, improve, and provide exceptional products or services.


We adhere to relevant laws, regulations, standards, and internal policies governing our operations, ensuring that all activities and behaviors align with internal guidelines and best practices.

Strategic Plan

Business Model