Home » Our Businesses » Upstream » PPL 221 (HELY CREEK FIELD)
Hely Creek field is in the North-eastern portion of block PML-49, of the Western Niger Delta. It is situated within the coastal swamp area, bounded to the west and south by the Sapele and Makaraba fields in PML 41 and PML 49. Hely Creek Field covers an area of 29.75 km2 and is 22km west of Sapele town, Delta State. The field reservoir structure consists of a faulted anticlinal rollover with smaller faults compartmentalizing the pools into two major segments. It was discovered in 1972 by the Hely-Creek-01 well drilled to 12708ft MD and tested slightly off the structure of the northern segment. across a faulted anticlinal structure but encountered only wet sands. Further up-dip appraisal of the structure using another well, Hely-Creek-02, encountered hydrocarbon-bearing sands in varying combinations across a major structure segmenting fault. The Hely-Creek field is designated as a gas field with 16 hydrocarbon intervals having a total net pay thickness of about 500 feet. Reservoirs are classified into two main intervals consisting of the G and H sands with an obvious pressure ramp between these intervals as defined by reservoir DST tests. No production has occurred within the field, but initial development activities have kickstarted which would result in the re-entry of the existing well (HC-2) and the drilling of additional two wells in the first phase. Export facility options are also being evaluated for the early delivery of produced fluids to the market. First Oil for the field is planned for Q3 2025.