Prof. S.O Adegoke
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Prof. O.S. Adegoke was born on 7th July 1937. He has over 60 years of University teaching and research, and Oil and Gas Industry experience. He obtained B.Sc. Hons. (London), Ph.D Univ. of California, Berkley: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Cal. Tech., Pasadena, & Visiting Research Associate, Smithsonian institution, Washington D.C. He was Professor of Geology, Univ. of Ife (1971-91). Other major awards include: D.Sc. Fed Univ. of Technology Akure, Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council, Elizade University, etc.
Prof. Adegoke has various Scientific and Professional Awards to his credit. He led several industrial projects studies that include: Tar sands (Bitumen), Ceramic Industry (Ifan), Granite ( Ondo & Oyo State); Oluwa Glass (Ondo State), Burnt Brick Industry (Ekiti State), Mapping of Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Several postgraduate participants in these projects attained managerial positions in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry.
Professor Adegoke has over 120 peer-reviewed monographs and Scientific Journal Article as well as over 300 Technical Reports to his credit. He has, at various times been Editor/Co-Editor of over 12 Scientific Books and Journals. He is also Chairman, Mosunmolu Ltd., Mos Energy Company Ltd., and was at various times Vice Chairman, Board of Chairmen & Board Member of Platform petroleum Ltd. He is shareholder Seplat Petroleum Development Ltd and several companies.
Prof. Adegoke is married to Dr. Mosunmola R. Adegoke, and they have five children.