Corporate Governance

Overview of Corporate Governance

At Platform Petroleum Limited, we are firmly committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance across all aspects of our operations. Central to this commitment is our meticulously crafted governance framework, designed to promote transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in alignment with our overarching purpose, vision, and mission. Transparency is fundamental to our governance ethos, providing stakeholders with comprehensive insights into our operational processes and decision-making procedures. Accountability is deeply embedded in our organizational culture, ensuring that every action and decision is conducted with the utmost integrity and responsibility. Our dedication to ethical conduct guides our operations, underscoring our unwavering commitment to ethical principles and responsible business practices. By seamlessly integrating these principles into our governance framework, we endeavor not only to meet but exceed expectations, thereby fostering sustained trust and confidence among our stakeholders while advancing our organizational objectives.

Governance Structure

Our governance structure is crafted to ensure robust oversight, transparency, and accountability. It comprises:

Board of Directors

Responsible for providing strategic direction, overseeing management, and safeguarding the interests of stakeholders.

Management Team

Charged with implementing strategies, managing operations, and upholding the organization's values and principles.


Various committees are established to focus on specific areas such as audit, risk management, and corporate social responsibility, ensuring thorough oversight and adherence to best practices.

Governance Policies

At Platform Petroleum Limited, we uphold robust governance policies to ensure ethical conduct, foster a respectful workplace culture, and maintain integrity in all our operations. These policies guide our interactions within the company and with external stakeholders, reflecting our commitment to responsible business practices.

Governance Policies

Ethics and Transparency